Kluang Homestay Villa: Newly Upgraded & User-Friendly Retreat
Kluang Homestay Villa: Newly Upgraded & User-Friendly Retreat Welcome to Kluang Homestay Villa, your home away from home nestled in the heart of Kluang, Johor. Our villa offers a perfect…
Kluang Homestay Villa: Newly Upgraded & User-Friendly Retreat Welcome to Kluang Homestay Villa, your home away from home nestled in the heart of Kluang, Johor. Our villa offers a perfect…
Disappearance on fair Mount Belumut Fails to Deter Climbers Mount Belumut, with its rich flora and fauna, crystal-clear streams, and breathtaking sunrise views from the peak, remains a popular…
Guide to Climbing Gunung Lambak and Belumut Kluang, situated in the heart of Johor, Malaysia, is often a hidden gem for nature enthusiasts, particularly city dwellers seeking a refreshing…
Why Homestays Are the Preferred Choice for Long-Term Rentals In recent years, the popularity of homestays as an alternative to traditional long-term rentals has skyrocketed. Many…
10 Differences Between The Rich And Poor There are ten major differences between rich and poor people. I've been wealthy and impoverished. I am very familiar with both sides. Furthermore,…
Every 26 hours, a new billionaire is created, although inequality is a factor in one person's passing every four seconds. The rich become richer during COVID19 pandemic The world's ten…
How to Fight Back Against Emotional Abuse? People often tell you to leave an abusive relationship. But they do not know what you are going through or what will happen…
7 tips to overcome your workplace bully It is part of the parcel of our life. Whether we confront or ignore it, it all depends on individual upbringing. Workplace bullying…
What is organic farming? How to do it free for your home Organic farming uses natural pesticides and fertilizers made from animal and plant wastes and nitrogen-fixing cover crops. Modern…
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How does one get money to feed oneself and one family during the Covid19 endemic? The Covid19 is never before a global economic disaster. The world has come to a standstill as the factory has closed, resulting in widespread human immobility.
Certain governments impose lock down or curfew on a province or even a mega city like the case of Shanghai now. Is there any money left over for the average Joe on the street?
Coupling with the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine, the world “food storage” causes demand exceeds the supply. It is hyperinflation globally with the shortage of fuel and food grain. Can meet the daily expense or monthly housing loan, car expenses, and your utility bill. Can you live with fresh and sunshine?
People are queuing to die in hospitals, with an increasing number of infected patients queuing for screening daily. However, because the government prioritized medical care, citizens receiving aid can barely survive for a month.
The money allocated to the citizen due to the employer’s decision to close down the operation is only a fraction of the monthly income.
People who do not have another source of income stay at home. How can you live without worrying about money? In addition, how long will the Covid19 outbreak last and also Russia- Ukraine war? Do you know the answer?
Is there a vaccine? As if you expect a boat sailing across the vast Pacific Ocean without a compass to berth at the nearest port? How long your saving can last?. Do you have any idea? Is your money sufficient to last at least six months until the Covid19 endemic and the war are over?
If not, why not consider another way to find the best and most accessible source of or passive income in the future, should another mishap occur?
Have you ever considered what your hard-earned money is worth as an active income? The fact speaks for itself: no work, no money. Of course, you’d respond, “I’m on paid, annual, or even sick or compensated leave.
” Besides three months of maternity leave for women, what other leave options do you have? Do men get the same three-month benefit as our lady?
Do you still keep up with me?What other choice do you have at this changeling time ? ? If not, I should say, “You are such a dummy, brainwashed by Ivy League professors,” “passed your examination, graduate with honors or postgraduate degree, and find a good steady income job” Does it ring a bell with you?
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As you stated, it is challenging to make a lot of money. Yes, I agree with you. However, those who are successful have a strong determination and persistence to continue.
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