How to claim free to your homeowner flood insurance? How to claim flood damage insurance for free?
How to claim flood damages free of charge to our home insurance in December 2021 Selangor state flood of the century? Most Selangorians have been devastated by the state’s worst flood in decades. With the current high inflation rate, average families with school-aged kids struggle.

But the thump up also dismantled political and religious divisions. And finally, the current government and the opposition leader hugged to discuss the aftermath. Apart from that, a small mosque opened to serve flood victims of all religion and races.
Avenged us for destroying the atmosphere? Yes, we must face the consequences of global warming. Hasn’t anyone noticed?
Property owners in Selangor face the daunting task of rebuilding after the world’s worst flood in recorded history. For the first time in recorded history, an entire one-story house was submerged by days of rain equivalent to a month.
Beyond the human tragedy of seven deaths, the flood and heavy storm damage remind Malaysian homeowners.
Protect your nest by purchasing flood extension coverage to reduce future losses.Your family’s home is a refuge. If you want to save money on your home or fire insurance, now is the time to do so. With one simple plan, you can protect your home from flood damage at a minimum cost.

How to claim free to your homeowner flood insurance
Let’s examine the key benefits.
Protect your home and its contents by moving quickly for your daily live.
A fire, lightning, flood, or other natural disaster is covered under the policy.
If your damaged items are less than five years old, your insurer will replace them with new ones at inflated prices.
It covers accidental damage to household goods.
Protect your TV, laptop, and other home items from loss or damage.
That’s it. Protect only your most prized possessions.
The coverage for the broken pipes or water tanks is something that no one wants to see. The brokerage can revoke this clause, causing damage to the building or contents.
Personal items like jewelry, watches, and cameras are protected around the clock.

Our home insurance policy excludes flood damage.
The policy exclusion clause.
1. This endorsement does not extend the insurance under this Policy to cover:
(a) Consequential loss of any kind for e.g. thief.
(b) Damage or loss caused by hail, whether driven by wind or not.
C) Damage caused by subsidence or landslip, except when this is caused by earthquakes and volcanoes that are covered by the policy.
D) No explosion coverage.
e) Loss because of an ordinance or law that limits how buildings are built or how they are fixed
2. It will not be responsible for any loss or damage that is already covered by another policy.
3. This endorsement does not cover metal smoke stacks, awnings, blinds, signs, or any other outdoor fixtures or fittings of any kind.

How to claim free to your homeowner flood insurance
What and how to cover
A detached garage can insured for up to 10% of the house’s insured value. For example, if the building is insured for $1 million, the garage is insured for $100,000. Insured sum minus this amount. This makes a total of $1 000 000.00 (900 000.00 + 100,000.00).
Personal property includes clothing, furniture, and electronic devices not stored in the basement.
Genuine expert reports are required for some valuables, such as original artwork.
Some events like groundwater seepage and mudslides are covered even if they aren’t strictly floods. An inflatable pool collapsed next door. Damage to your home and at least one other property in your neighborhood due to a water main break. Flood damage is only covered when a sewer backup causes it.
During the Selangor flood, you could see uprooted trees crashing into roadside and porch parking. A completed wash over is an urgent task for the occupant as muddy water stagnates throughout the house. When the floodwaters receded, the drug addicts rioted against the unattended homes and expensive items. Isn’t it horrifying?
But how can we protect ourselves without relying on insufficient donor or government handouts? The best cure is prevention. We can help. Why cry over spilled milk?

The following extension clauses are recommended when purchasing a home owner’s policy.
0.086 percent flood extension requires an extra $860.00 premium for the $1 000 000.00 insured sums. Flood damage to your home’s structure or contents is covered by insurance.
Deforestation is a natural disaster caused by water overflowing or deviating from its typical path.
Mains water flooding or flash flood accumulation outside the insured building
Exclude losses from subsidence and landslip.
The insured should add a subsidence or landslip extension clause to their flood insurance. The plant’s root acts as a fastener for the loose dirt when the soil is wet. Condos fell like a matchbox. Subsidence and landslip caused the Malaysian Highland tower to collapse.
How to claim free to your homeowner flood insurance
We pay 0.081 percent extra for subsidence and landslip coverage. You can protect your home against loss or damage by paying an additional $810.00 premium for a clause with a $1,000,000.00.
The standard cover exclusion clause: (Loss)
It doesn’t cover. If the building is an outbuilding or garage, then the swimming pools, terraces, and patios are exempt from this rule. Flood-damaged by cause and time.
Unless the foundation beneath the external walls of the buildings is damaged, the movement of solid floor slabs coincides.
Coastal and river erosion occur or result. Re-design or rebuild the structure.
After applying the law of averages, the insurer is only liable for 5% of the total sum insured or $25,000.00 per loss.
How to claim free to your homeowner flood insurance
Calculate Flood Insurance
Adding an outbuilding like a fence, gate, walking path, dog kennel, parking porch, and swimming pool costs an extra 25% of the standard cover, which is $500 000. $500,000 x 0.081% + 25% loading to delete item 1) = $506.25 additional premium. We get ($810.00 + 506.25) = $1 316.25 as the total premium for the extension peril
Indemnity for damage caused by falling trees or objects
As a result of the recent Selangor flood, the victim’s house was submerged, and branches and trees fell on the house, damaging the vehicle parked on the car porch. Uninsured claims for loss or damage are commonplace, but agents rarely perform their professional duties.
The building and your car are well-protected. This peril can avoid by renewing at 0.01% despite the pain. Insure your property for $100.00 with a $1, 000,000.00 sum insured
Falling trees or branches cause loss or damage to walls, gates, and fences. For any loss or damage, the insured must pay $250.00. Never waste a claim under $250.00. A claim for $3,000.00 is settled for $2,750.00. For the first $250.00, you act as to own an insurer.
How to claim free to your homeowner flood insurance
Disposal of trash
After the floodwaters receded, a dirty floor remained. Muddy, stagnant water on the carpet is an eyesore. Life must go on. When hiring a cleaner, have you considered the cleaning process? What does this difficult time cost? For the uphill task, the cleaning company would charge a hefty price. Look for a debris removal clause in your policy.
How to claim free flood damage to our home insurance
Additional compensation may include a portion of the claim amount by determined by the building’s size and floor count. It can cost up to $5 000.00.
It pays the insured for expenses incurred with the insurer’s approval.
It includes

(a) clearing debris,
(b) dismantling and demolishing structures, and
(c) shoring up or propping the portion of the property damaged or destroyed by fire, or other peril now insured.
For non-debris removal, the insurer is liable for 10% of the total sum insured. To clean up the mess from the Selangor flood, the insured can claim up to $100,000 from the $1,000,000 sum insured.
How to claim free to your homeowner flood insurance
Not to miss the rent clause.
When a building is unfit for occupation due to fire or other insured peril, it only applies to the owner non-occupier of the premises. The owner’s rental loss cannot exceed the total insured. If a monthly rental is $2000, the insurer can recover $12000 for a six-month rental loss claim.
If the Selangor flood destroyed the building, the owner-occupier must relocate for one year before their new home is ready. A comparable standard home rents for $1000/month. The insured will receive $12 000.00 after 12 months.
How to file a flood damage claim
- Need a police report is required before filing a claim.
- Please call and then email your agent or insurer. An exceedingly long delay may jeopardize you. If the invisible agent isn’t available, contact the insurer directly.
- Do not seek the advice of a fair-weather coffee shop friend. Hire a lawyer, but don’t waste your money, as it’s a simple case and not a liability.
- Solicit approval for minor repairs from the insurer’s independent adjuster.
- Consult your insurance agent about any exclusion or excess clause. Consult the insurer if in doubt.
- Prepare to videotape the damaged item for the adjuster’s review. Keep track of all receipts for minor repairs. The video clip is vital in case of a future lawsuit.
- Sign the original claim form and send it to the insurer with the repair invoice to expedite the claim. To avoid unnecessary delays, get a receipt for the entire claim document.
- Avoid signing the insurer’s counteroffer until the final claim is satisfactory.
Read more about claiming hurricane damage.
To overcome teething issues, remain calm and clear-headed. You should contact your insurance company to arrange for an adjuster to assess the damage to your home’s structure and contents.
Don’t hesitate to contact your insurer if you have any questions about your policy’s coverage.
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