What Is Shiny Object Syndrome? Not With Wealthy Affiliate

Shiny Object Syndrome defined as the attraction to objects that exhibit a glassy, polished, gleaming or otherwise shiny appearance. Something that is simple as a reflection in your peripheral vision may easily distract your attention. How to overcome it?

I have experienced this when I first built my website with the motive to earn some passive income.  We simply didn’t see the overall picture and thinking that the grass was greener on the other side of the fence. Let’s take a look at the symptoms:-

  • Read books and blogs on a variety of subjects.
  • Not taking action on your knowledge.
  • Constantly look for the magic bullet.

2 problems with Shiny Object Syndrome

  1. The grass is greener where you put the horse.
  2. The Money is the ultimate aim.

My painful Journey with  Shiny Object Syndrome

Every internet gurus that I had earlier learned from them said it was pretty easy to make money online. One just needs to copy and paste the Amazon product on your blog. When people click on the buy action now the icon, the money will surely follow you into your bank account. That’s simple, isn’t it? You don’t to write a quality content in your website. Out there they are plenty of greenhorns like me before I stumble upon the Wealthy Affiliate Reviews.

Although I joined the WA on Nov 15th of 2014, not after the free lessons, ignored it until I realized that I am just like a boat sailing in the ocean without any destination.  Always looking for another shiny object syndrome come by so that I can make fast money, finding a needle in the vast deep ocean like MH370.

After years of landing nowhere, I wonder what has I have done wrong. Do I suffer from shiny object syndrome? Yes.  I believe. I often joined another up sell or plugin offering by other internet gurus. 47 000 free plugins in the WordPress alone, any website with more than 5 plugins, the loading speed is extremely slow like a garden snail speed. I often distracted by it and browsing the website to another.  I totally lack focus in this aspects.

Final Landing At Wealthy Affiliate

KluangHomestayvilla.com was the first website I published on 3rd August 2016, a few days later, Google indexed it. 

The road to success in affiliate marketing is a daunting task, often suffering the shiny object syndrome by all of us one time or another. Some of them easily give up when they don’t make any money despite put Facebook or Bing ads. The money went to the drain.

With Wealthy Affiliate, monitoring your daily progress in the ranking factor which I highly recommend, motivates me to go further.  Rome not built in a day, having said that, it takes the time to build our road to success in e-marketing, no shortcut absolutely.

I highly appreciated the Wealthy Affiliate community that mingles with. by supporting each other by posting the questions and someone would reply you with a solution which was absent in other affiliate’s program I had enrolled earlier.

Failure is next step to success, I determine and perseverance that led me to the bright in my future endeavors.

Kudos to Wealthy Affiliate. 

42 Post


Why is it hard to understand life? Is it the upbringing that molds their destiny? It is super subjective.
But anyway, happy-go-lucky is my philosophy, which I like to share; remember the maxim: " Joy shared is joy doubled, a sorrow shared is sorrow half."

Can someone tell me why some people, before an event happens, often think of the negative outcome? For this kind of personality, they often self-blamed any unpleasant result. Why bite the sorrowful pile and live a life of misery and depression. Please cheer up!! Walking on the street, you sure stumble across less fortunate humans.

Take life as a new norm, regardless of whether there is a pandemic outbreak or economic slowdown. Life is going like a passing stream; find your happiness and peaceful life.

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